Modern Solutions
Modern Hydrogen technologies crack natural gas, behind-the-meter, for commercial and industrial operations. Our modular, gas processing products generate high quality hydrogen for feedstock, industrial heat and steam, power generation, and heavy duty fleet fueling. With no new pipes, no onsite storage, and no supply chain risk, this distributed approach to hydrogen generation leverages existing, reliable infrastructure to deliver the fuel of the future – today.

On-Site Generation Of Clean Hydrogen
Energy powers our lives and our economy. Our businesses, schools, hospitals, and homes use more energy than ever before, and domestic natural gas is the fuel that underpins most of it. In the USA, delivering effective energy solutions for long-term Commercial and Industrial development is critically important for our economy, national security, and for a healthy planet.
Centralized power generation alone is not a realistic option for large-scale, next-generation Commercial & Industrial heat and/or heavy-duty transportation. (1) Heating C&I operations with electricity is more expensive than natural gas. (2) Industrial energy users have massive installed asset bases with legacy natural gas fueled hardware. (3) There is not enough electrical infrastructure to distribute the energy needed to electrify these heating loads. (4) Traditional power generation capacity (renewable, natural gas, coal, or nuclear) is insufficient to supply existing electrical loads and additive C&I heating loads, new data center loads, and new heavy-duty transportation loads for the foreseeable future.
Modern Hydrogen solves this problem by enabling full-feature carbon capture for all natural gas-fueled technologies. Deployed at the point of use, Modern solutions leverage the reliability of existing natural gas infrastructure and the versatility of your preferred OEM hardware to lower the cost of upgrading next-generation Commercial and Industrial heat and power.

New Pathways for Heat & Steam
High temperature heat and steam are essential to manufacturing and are key to our modern standard of living. Unfortunately, many of the furnaces and boilers that generate process heat and steam today don’t meet the next-generation performance requirements demanded by leading manufacturing companies. Similarly, due to capacity limitations around the USA electrical grid and economic constraints on the part of factory operators not wanting to change their processes, electrifying commercial and industrial heat and steam is not feasible within the next 20 years.
Modern Hydrogen technologies integrate with boilers and furnaces to deliver high performance heat and steam in commercial and industrial operations. By processing natural gas precisely when and where it is needed, Modern Hydrogen enables turnkey heat and power across a range of blend percentages and volumes, without changing your operations.
Increase Revenue and Reduce Costs with Carbon Sequestering Asphalt
Modern Carbon products reduce material costs and improve performance in asphalt and paving materials. Our high-efficiency approach to natural gas pyrolysis delivers high-quality thermal carbon that exceeds industry standards. This means stronger roads, less maintenance, consistent EPDs, and lower cost.