Preventing Harmful Carbon Emissions While Creating Low-Cost Energy and Materials

Our non-electric thermal process reduces CO₂ emissions from natural gas and makes low-cost, environmentally-friendly energy and materials.

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How It Works

Methane, Biogas, & Natural Gas

We capture carbon from methane sources that would otherwise become CO₂ emissions.

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Our methane pyrolysis technology breaks down methane into hydrogen gas and solid carbon before combustion.

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Usable Hydrogen


Usable Carbon

Hydrogen is available to be used for onsite heat, power, or feedstock. The carbon is removed by Modern to be sequestered in asphalt applications.

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Our Hydrogen Production Process Utilizes Existing Reliable Infrastructure And Prevents Carbon Emissions

Modern’s mission is to make energy cleaner and cheaper through science and technology breakthroughs.


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How Utilities Might Decarbonize and Avoid a Climate Breakdown

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MH500 Features

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Gas Utility Providers

We help gas utilities meet new emissions regulations and meet market demand for clean energy.

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Boiler and Furnace OEMs and Operators

We help reduce CO₂ emissions associated with generating heat, especially high-grade heat found in industrial and commercial operations.

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Commercial and Industrial Heat Users

We enable rapid transitions to low and negative-emissions operations without massive infrastructure or process changes.

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Heavy Equipment and Fleet Operators

We reduce the logistics risk and cost associated with getting clean hydrogen to fleet fueling stations.

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Energy Sector & Power Plants

Reducing CO₂ emissions with solutions that can be built in to existing infrastructure.

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Municipalities and Local Governments

With both energy and materials solutions, we make cutting emissions good business.

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Environmental Engineering Companies

Our innovative process helps meet regulatory compliance, reduce emissions, and provide cutting-edge solutions.

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Transportation Infrastructure Developers

We provide high-performing, eco-friendly materials that reduce costs.

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Asphalt Companies

We integrate solid carbon into asphalt products to make roads stronger, cheaper, and less reliant on emissions-heavy oils.

Our Modern Solutions

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On-Site Decarbonization

Decarbonize your natural gas when and where you use it.

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Decarbonized Heat & Steam

Powering net-zero processes and products

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Environmentally-Friendly Materials at Low Cost

Turning would-be emissions into the built environment.

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