Methane Pyrolysis

A Clean Energy Revolution

The bridge to our low CO₂ future has methane pyrolysis at its core. This innovative process has the potential to revolutionize the way we generate heat and power.

Methane pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of methane under high temperatures without oxygen. When optimized for emissions minimization, this process offers us a unique opportunity to produce clean and economic energy on a massive scale.

How Does Methane Pyrolysis Work?

Natural gas or biogas enters the system.

Methane is heated until it breaks into solid carbon and hydrogen.

The solid carbon and hydrogen are separated, and the carbon is removed from the system.

Modern Hydrogen recycles some hydrogen to provide ongoing heat. The rest of the hydrogen is delivered for use in heating, mobility fueling, and power generation.

Modern Hydrogen uses methane pyrolysis to produce clean hydrogen at your gas meter by converting natural gas into hydrogen without CO2 emissions.

Hydrogen plays a pivotal role in future energy systems as its use does not result in direct CO2 emissions.

The outcomes of methane pyrolysis depend on a number of factors including system efficiency, combustion temperature, the presence of oxygen, heat loss, and speed of heat change.

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Methane Pyrolysis Produces Solid Carbon

Methane pyrolysis produces solid carbon that can either be disposed of naturally without affecting atmospheric CO2 or used as a raw material in industries like asphalt, medical devices, aerospace composite materials, and concrete.

So, not only can methane pyrolysis generate hydrogen that can help us prevent greenhouse gas emissions, but it can also offset some of the emissions associated with public works projects. Our ultra-low emission approach to pyrolysis delivers solid carbon with a low CO₂ rating. This means less virgin asphalt material used, less embodied emissions, and longer life products for a more sustainable built environment.

With companies like Modern Hydrogen leading the way, methane pyrolysis is poised to play an indispensable role in the future of clean energy.

Methane Pyrolysis And Biomass

By capturing the methane from decomposing organic matter and converting it to hydrogen and solid carbon, Modern Hydrogen is removing CO₂ from the atmosphere. By sequestering this solid carbon in asphalt. we are sequestering greenhouse gases, permanently removing them for centuries to come.

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