What the U.S. can learn from Nordic countries on climate: Seattle summit draws global leaders

The image shows a panel discussion in progress, with four individuals seated on stage, engaged in conversation. From left to right: A woman with short blonde hair, dressed in black, is smiling and holding a pen and notebook. A man with gray hair and glasses, wearing a blue suit, is looking attentive. A man with reddish-blonde hair and a beard, also in a blue suit, is speaking into a microphone and gesturing with his hand. A man with short black hair, dressed in a black blazer and jeans, is smiling. The audience is visible in the foreground, attentively listening to the discussion. The backdrop consists of vertical wooden slats, adding a professional and warm ambiance to the setting.
Panelist Tony Pan, CEO and co-founder of Modern Hydrogen, a startup building devices that produce hydrogen from methane gas, said that federal climate policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act have funded numerous energy projects in red states and will be unpopular to halt. He also noted that, in his particular situation, most of his customers are utilities that are guided more by state than by national rules. If federal climate support disappears, “as long as states keep up their good work, I still think decarbonization will make progress in the United States, although maybe we’ll lose the race to Europe,” Pan said. “But it’s OK. Competition is good. No matter what, the planet wins.”
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