The websites and services provided through the website (this “Site”) are provided by MODERN HYDROGEN and its affiliates (“We,” “Us” or “Our”). You (“You” or “Your”) have a limited right to access and use the Site for Your noncommercial, personal use and information only.

What Information Do We Collect?

Some areas of the Site are available without opening an account. Other areas of the Site cannot be accessed without registering, which requires you to provide personal information to us. This personal information may include your:


We use “cookies,” which are small text files stored on Your computer/device (and maintained by Your browser), and often include a randomized unique identifier so that Our Site can ‘recognize’ this cookie again. We primarily use cookies that are considered ‘mandatory’ or ‘technically necessary’ to provide Our Site and its core functionality to You (e.g., cookies that store Your log-in information or remember other settings, so You don’t have to re-enter them each time You return to Our Site), and various analytics tools for audience measurement purposes, and to personalize the delivery of content to you. Information from analytics tools may also be used for legal purposes. Should Our use of cookies change in the future, We will update this Privacy Policy and post it on the Website.

Google Analytics Notice. We also use Google Analytics, which uses cookies, to obtain high-level “audience measurement” data such as the referral web domain, type of operating system/browser used, date and time of visit, and other information relating to activities on Our Site to understand its usage better, analyze trends, and optimize the Site experience. For more information on Google Analytics, including how to opt-out see https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites.

We do not use cookies to retrieve information from Your computer or device for purposes that are unrelated to Our Site or Your interaction with Our Site. You may stop or restrict cookies on Your computer or purge them from Your browser by adjusting Your web browser preferences. You should consult the operating instructions that apply to Your browser to determine how best to configure Your browser settings to meet Your requirements. Note that if You “turn off,” purge, or disable cookies, although You may still use Our Site, You may not be able to use all of the features, functions, or services available on Our Site.

How We Use Information

We use the information You provide and We collect to:

How Can We Share Information?

We do not use or disclose sensitive personal information, such as race, religion, or political affiliations, without Your express consent.

We expect that all collection, use and disclosure of Your information will occur in the United States and will be governed by United States law; however, some information may travel over the Internet outside of the United States. Even if some information does travel outside the United States, You agree that the laws of the United States will apply.

Any Other Sharing of Information?

We will not sell or rent Your information to anyone, but We may share Your basic demographic information (such as your name, IP address, and physical or email address) with others, such as Our subsidiaries, contractors, trusted partners and affiliates as necessary to operate Our business, and as permitted by law.

What About Aggregated Data?

We may aggregate (combine) data about visitors to Our Site in a non-identifiable manner and use it for Our business purposes unrelated to Your use of the Site.

What About Governmental and Legal Disclosures?

Except as described above, We do not disclose the identities of visitors or users of the Site unless legally required to do so, or unless We believe, in good faith, that sharing is necessary:

We will respond to any subpoena received from a government agency (i.e., the Securities and Exchange Commission or law enforcement agencies) without prior notice to You. Unless prohibited by law or by a valid court order, We will attempt to notify You of any subpoena received from any other party (i.e., for civil litigation) which requires Us to disclose Your identity, and will wait ten (10) days, or a lesser amount of time as required by the deadline in the subpoena, before providing the information requested by the subpoena.

What About Other Information and Websites?

Some content or applications, including advertisements, on the Site are served by third parties, including advertisers, ad networks and servers, content providers and application providers. These third parties may use cookies alone or along with other tracking technologies to collect information about You when You use Our Site. The information they collect may be associated with Your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about Your online activities over time and across different websites and other online services. They may use this information to provide You with interest-based (behavioral) advertising or other targeted content.

We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. You should review the privacy policies posted on these websites carefully before providing any information. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of any other websites. If You have any questions about an advertisement or other targeted content, You should contact the responsible provider directly.

What About Do Not Track?

Websites and web applications can track Your movements on the Internet to better tailor suggestions for You based on Your interests. We may track your movement through the Site and across third party websites to provide targeted content, and therefore We do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. However, some people do not want their browsing behavior to be tracked. Your web browser allows You to set the DNT signal on Your browser so that third parties (particularly advertisers) know You do not want to be tracked. We also suggest that You read the privacy policies of third party websites to see if those websites track Your browsing. Information gathered using tracking technology will be used and disclosed as described in this Privacy Policy, and the privacy policies of the applicable privacy policies.

What About Compliance with COPPA?

The Site is not directed at children under the age of 13. We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) and do not knowingly permit registration or submission of personally identifiable information by anyone under 13 years of age. This age requirement is posted each time We request personally identifiable information. If You believe information of a child under 13 has been submitted, please advise Us in writing and We will delete it.

What About International Privacy Laws?

If you are visiting our websites from outside the United States, please be aware that you are sending information (including personal data) to the United States, where our servers are located. That information may then be transferred within the United States or back out of the United States to other countries.

All data collected by through the Site will be stored exclusively in secure hosting facilities provided by Us or Our service providers. We have data processing agreements in place with Our service providers consistent with applicable privacy and data security laws.

MODERN HYDROGEN and its affiliates are located in, and provide services in, the United States, and are governed by United States law. For visitors from the European Union and the European Economic Area, countries outside of the EU (such as the United States) may not have data protection laws as comprehensive or protective as those in your country. The United States has not been issued an adequacy decision finding the data privacy laws to provide an adequate level of protection. Therefore, the collection and transfer of data will occur on one of the following bases, depending on the type of transfer and the surrounding factual situation:

What About Marketing Use?

You agree that We can store information that You provide to us on a form and use it to assist You in making an appointment, providing other services, or for future marketing purposes.

How Secure is the Site?

The Site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information under Our control. However, no security is perfect, and no security system can prevent all security breaches. You transmit information to Us at Your own risk.

How Can This Policy be Changed?

We may update the Privacy Policy to reflect company and customer feedback. We encourage You to periodically review the Privacy Policy to remain informed of how We use and protect Your information. Our use of information gathered or obtained is subject to the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of such use.

How Can You Contact Us?

We welcome Your comments regarding this Privacy Policy. If You believe that We have not adhered to this Privacy Policy, please contact Us at:

Modern Hydrogen

20300 Woodinville Snohomish Rd Suite B

Woodinville, WA, 98072
Attn: Privacy Officer


We will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly respond to Your inquiry, and if necessary determine and remedy any problem.

What If My Information is Wrong? 

You may write to us at the contact address above if you believe information you have submitted to us through the Site is incorrect. We may not be able to correct that information, because, for example, we did not save the information, or because we do not yet have a process to update the information.

Can I Get a Copy of My Information?

You may write to use at the contact address above to request a copy of the information you have submitted or We have collected about you through the Site. If we are able to collect and provide the information, we will do so. In some cases, we may not be able to collect and provide the information, because of the way the data is used and stored.