Understanding Distributed Hydrogen, Its Benefits, and Efficient Hydrogen Distribution

It is no longer front-page news that most of the world’s energy supply is derived from fossil fuels that emit carbon and greenhouse gasses when used in power generation and heating. Various methods of decarbonization are currently being leveraged, including replacing energy from natural gasses with energy from hydrogen. Hydrogen has been used for decades […]
On-Site Pyrolysis and Renewable Energy

Technically pyrolysis is defined as the thermal degradation of material at a high temperature in the absence of oxygen gas. The resulting byproducts of this degradation are condensate (water/tar) and non-condensable gasses. If the feedstock is biomass, then the byproducts can also include biochar. The proportions for each of these byproducts mainly depend on the […]
The Future Is Distributed Clean Hydrogen

Hydrogen and energy have enjoyed an intertwined relationship for a long time. Hydrogen powered the first internal combustion engine slightly over 200 years ago. Since then, it has become a critical part of modern industries. Hydrogen is like a few other gasses: It is light, does not produce direct emissions, is energy dense, and is […]
The Challenges Of Distributed Hydrogen Blending

A growing number of hydrogen pilot projects are underway. These activities are often undertaken by gas utilities and signal that the industry is starting to move toward decarbonization. By executing these projects, the local gas distribution companies demonstrate hydrogen fuel’s ability to support a clean environment. Already, dozens of low carbon renewable natural gas and […]
The Basics of a CI Score (Carbon Intensity Score)

Carbon intensity (CI) is a term that is growing in importance in natural gas and alternative fuel conversations. In this article we are going to explore the role carbon intensity plays in the alternative fuel industry, including the impact of carbon intensity and how a carbon intensity score is used. Most importantly, we’re going to […]
Is Natural Gas Carbon Footprint Significant?

Many people may refer to natural gas as the cleanest of all fossil fuels we use. Perhaps that’s why it is responsible for producing a significant portion of the world’s electricity. However, it is a fossil fuel, and like all fossil fuels, it has a carbon footprint. So, the question is: how much of a […]
Important Steps To Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

One of the first steps to stopping human-influenced climate change is to lower, if not eliminate, the amount of global greenhouse gas emissions produced by our activities. Carbon dioxide is one that we need to be particularly aware of, mainly because we’ve been putting billions of tons of it into the atmosphere every year over […]