BIC Magazine: Pan’s gigaton-scale vision: Decarbonizing natural gas with bold solutions

Turning Natural Gas Into Gold: The Economic Upside of Modern Hydrogen’s Technology

Hydrogen Project of the Year: MH500, An Innovative Methane Pyrolysis Unit – Modern Hydrogen

CNBC: Modern Hydrogen is using carbon byproduct to make cheaper and greener asphalt

Hart Energy: New Revenue Stream Opens Up With Natural Gas Decarbonization

The Economist: Startups are finding novel ways to recycle carbon

Modern Hydrogen Welcomes Amir Moftakhar as Chief Financial Officer and Expands Product Leadership Team

Modern Hydrogen takes it slow — for now

Northwest Natural producing ‘turquoise hydrogen’ and cutting carbon emissions in the process

The Pitfalls of Green: When Lives Depend on Electric Fire Trucks

NW Natural and Modern Hydrogen Unveil Unique Clean Hydrogen Production, Carbon Capture Project In Portland

Webinar: We can’t wait exclusively for renewables to aid decarbonisation