Hydrogen For Mobility

Low Carbon Intensity Hydrogen Generated At The Station

Minimize Logistics Risks

Minimize Price/Cost Volatility

No New Electrical Infastructure

No Water Use

Hydrogen For Your Vehicles

Modern’s hydrogen generation units produce high grade hydrogen for fuel cells and internal combustion engines including municipal bus fleets, class 8 trucks, drayage trucks, and other heavy-duty vehicles.

hydrogen h2 bus
h2 gas

Constant Access To Hydrogen

We connect our clean pyrolysis units to existing natural gas and RNG infrastructure at fueling stations to produce hydrogen. Our machine seamlessly integrates with off-the-shelf compression, purification, storage, and other hydrogen refueling assets. Modern Hydrogen units are designed for continuous production of hydrogen at the station.

Modern Hydrogen units produce high grade hydrogen for fuel suppliers, fueling station operators, fleet operators, OEMs, drivers, and more.

Why Choose Modern Technology For Your Operations?

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On-Site Electrolysis Green H2
Centralized Electrolysis Green H2
Generates low carbon intensity hydrogen?
Avoids significant use of electricity?
Avoids major infrastructure builds?
Avoids consuming water?
Avoids recurring deliveries of hydrogen?
Protects union pipefitters and local trade jobs?
Leverages and decarbonizes existing natural gas pipeline?
Continuously produces hydrogen on-site strengthening resilience?


Produces valuable coproducts?

*Possible but not likely.

Schedule A Free Consultation

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